Mike Pearce wrote in message ...
>"Dave Smith" wrote in message ...
>> zuuum wrote:
>>> Many families now have no one at home to prepare meals, and those who do
>>> have the time, often found to be without cooking skills or knowledge.
>> I am not terribly sympathetic to the lack of time argument.
>I think it's not so much not having the time as it is not making the time.
>really enjoy cooking so for me spending a few hours making a meal is
>something I consider fun. Most weekends I'll devote a good portion, if not
>all, of a day to cooking. I guess I do this at the expense of using that
>time to do something else, but I don't look at it that way since I'm doing
>what I enjoy. Of course, we all have different priorities in our lives and
>some of us put cooking a little higher on the list than others.
>Some of my friends consider me a pretty good cook and will ask me how to
>make something or give them advise on making a particular meal. I can't
>you how many times I get a few steps into a description of what is involved
>and I'm interrupted with, "that's too complicated". This is even for
>something as simple as making chicken stock which doesn't require much
>active time but from beginning to end can take a while. I got stopped with
>the chicken stock instructions the other day after I said, "buy a whole
>chicken". Oh well.
>I keep almost no prepared food in my house. I just like making things from
>Interestingly, Whole Foods Market is closing the store in my neighborhood
>a couple of months. It's the smallest store in the chain and they've opened
>a store on the other side of town so I figured this day would come. I'm
>disappointed. I've really enjoyed have good quality ingredients a block and
>a half away from my house, even if it is on the expensive side. The funny
>thing is that when I hear my neighbors talking about the closing they
>always mention that they will miss the prepared foods. All this time I've
>been wishing they'd take the space that they use for prepared foods and
>expand the produce or meat departments.
aack! don't say that! i wouldn't have a job!
(newbie professional cook hehe)
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