Damsel wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 14:08:35 -0600, Pan Ohco >
> >Although I hate to disagree with one of the top trollops here.
> >
> >Chili con Carne= Pepper with meat.
> >
> >No mention of beans, Black,red,or otherwise in Chili.
> Common usage and all that jazz.
> Carol
> --
Reminds me of one of my favourite recipes for Bean Il Cacciatore
(Hunter Style)
Day 1 (Before the hunitng trip) - Soak the beans in 3 quarts of water
in a large ... blah blah blah
Day 2 - Trow away the water and replace with blah blah blah
Day 3 - Trow away the water and replace with blah blah blah
Day 4 - Trow away the water and replace with blah blah blah
Day 5 - If the hunting party actually comes home with some game, throw
away the beans and fire up the grill.