Damsel wrote:
> On 25 Jan 2005 11:11:42 -0800, "Fifo" > wrote:
> >Carol:
> >
> >I am always in the wrong line. In fact when they were passing out
> >brains, good looks and good fortunes I was lined up in the line for
> >"Change of address requests" - it just seemed the shortest. Which is
> >why now I am neither smart, nor good looking and completely out of
> >but I have a special talent for always receiving my forwarded mail
> >I move.
> Hey Fifo (I think of accounting every time I see your name), have you
> considered a career in comedy, or do we get you all to ourselves?
Actually my conversation skills are zero and null and account for a
complete lack of any friends (which is why I am here). The last time
anyone thought I was funny was when I fell off the chair during a job
interview and banged my head on a radiator frame. Unfortunately that
would make for a very short piece if I try to present it at a comedy