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  #394 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>> but the "expectant mothers" or "customers with children" ones.
>> for some reason these spots bug the crap out of me.

> Report back when you're in your 8th or 9th month or have
> more than one small child to get in and out of your car for
> whatever reason - it doesn't need to be grocery shopping.
> My husband can barely handle one.
> Regarding mothers with children in the grocery stores: I've
> been one of them and believe me: I would have gladly NOT
> have them with me, but in the real world it's often not an
> option.
> sf

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out *why* someone would think that they
should be rewarded because they were able to successfully complete
intercourse, and reproduce. Ah, perhaps reproduction is their greatest