Steve Calvin wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> I don't think Steve was saying anything negative about not cooking
>> "fast" but more about "fast food" (or what you call "take out") and
>> instant prepackaged meals.
>> I can throw together a nice pasta dish in 30 minutes or grill or
>> broil fish or chicken and steam some veggies and be eating better
>> than your "take out" and usually for less money, too. I cook for
>> one and have no problem with using leftovers. I usually cook enough
>> food Saturday or Sunday to last me a week. What doesn't get eaten
>> goes in the freezer for later consumption.
>> Jill
> Thanks Jill, maybe I didn't say it clear enough. Writing was never my
> "strong suit".
I think you write very well, Steve. I sure understood your point