"Jessica V." > wrote in message
> Donna wrote:
> > What you are saying about baking from scratch is so true.
> >
> > I didn't realize it until (probably 25 years ago) I gave my
classes a
> > writing assignment in which they were to write logical directions
for how to
> > do something. It was just a short assignment.
> >
> > I mentioned that they could choose to write the steps in making a
cake if
> > they wished.
> >
> > Without exception, the ones who chose the cake option began their
> > compositions with "Take a cake mix. . . ."
> >
> > These girls were taking a home-making class at the time, and I
mentioned it
> > to their home-making teacher. She said, "Oh yes, we bake all our
cakes with
> > mixes!"
> >
> > My home-making teacher would turn over in her grave. . . .
> > Donna
> >
> >
> >
> Yep...my Home Ec. teacher taught that mixes were more economical.
> hell with economics when they taste like a board. When baking bread
> feel like the bread machine or Kitchen Aid are cheating.
> I used Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts for the first time last
> Thanksgiving. They're alright but nothing like the real thing.
> spent most of the week in the hospital as my dad had a bypass and
> replacement the Monday before Thanksgiving...Mom was in the hospital
> with him until about half an hour before dinner and the boys aren't
> that helpful in the kitchen. The pie crusts were a move of
> to have pies for dessert and a meal flying solo on a big meal.
> have to justify my using them.
> I have certainly noticed that the number of people that make
> from scratch has diminished a great deal. I'll never join those
> ranks...that easy food just doesn't taste as good. I find preparing
> meal after work to be stress reducing...something that just popping
> whatever into the microwave cannot do.
I agree with you. Cooking from scratch not only provides tastier and
more wholesome results, but it is also therapeutic.