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  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Jack Curry wrote:
> > wrote in message
> > That's all Wilson does . . . Mr. Napoleon complex . . . thinks he makes
> > the rules of the Interent. He's just a geeky little twerp who
> > obviously has never had any position of imprtance, so he compensates by
> > pretending he's Lord of the Internet.
> >
> > Hey, Wilson, crawl back under your bumpkin Idaho hick farm. I'll post
> > or email any ****in' thing I want
> > any time I want, you impotent little shit.
> >

> Hey, another member of the Kevin S. Wilson Fan Club!
> How do you do it, Kevin? Obsession isn't an easy emotion to create.
> Jack Curry

Now I see how you and your ass buddy work You somehow convince
yourselves that someone calling you an asshole turns them into an
obsessive stalker.

I suggest you drive around NewYork city for a while to really get that
ego stoked!