Bernard Hubbard wrote:
> Eddy_Down > wrote in
>>Morton Davis wrote:
>>>The "mad cow" came from CANADA. Just another gift from HMG.
>>Since when did HMG have anything to do with Canada?
> The poor ****wits that live in the US seem to think that every
> member country of the Commonwealth is ruled by the actions of
> Westminster. Little do they realize that the major 4 former
> colonies, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia were
> given complete autonomy by the 1932 Statute of Westminster. The
> majority of the other Commonwealth countries are Republics within
> the Commonwealth and owe no allegience to HMG. Just let the stupid
> pricks rave on and make fools of themselves.
Two days for an answer and why am I not suprised no American could
answer it? Maybe they'll try and blaim that massive power failure in the
USA on HMG as well.