Lucy wrote:
> Wow! Thanks you guys.. I am still taking notes here!
> My mouth is watering for the spanish rice one..
> I am just so clueless.. and I absolutely HATE having to try to follow along
> a written recipe while cooking. I very much want to get to the point where I
> can whip up a meal without having to stop and friggin read a sheet of paper,
> or a book, etc. Ugh.. very frustrating for me. So.. I'm going to listen to
> all you good cooks, and keep repeating those recipes of yours that sound
> like something we'd like.. until I get it down pat.
> Keep 'em coming, gang.. I need all the help I can get!
> lucy 
As I said to Johnny Mc in another thread, don't be afraid to experiment
and consider it a learning tool. You'll find things that work for your
tastes and things that you may not care for, or maybe think "hmmm, that
was ok but I'll bet it'd be much better if....".
Take tonight for example. My "better half" has taken out italian sausage
for dinner. (some sweet and some hot) Now, the first thing that popped
into my mind was you're basic sausage, pepper, and onion sandwiches.
Maybe with some mushrooms tossed in for the heck of it. But, I've since
changed my mind and I really have no clue what I'm going to do with it.
I'll open up the fridge and pantry and see what's gonna go with them.
Will whatever I toss together be good? Beats the h*ll out of me! But
there's always bacon, eggs, and toast if all else fails. ;-)
Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...