"Scott" > wrote in message
> In article > ,
> "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:
> Oh, another thing: people who don't take their money out until all of
> the items pass through the scanner. It's almost like they're startled:
> "oh, I have to *pay*?" This tends to be worse with women--simply because
> they tend to have to take more steps to get to their money (wallet
> inside a purse and all) then do men.
I recently watched a man put the same dollar bill into the self check-out
machine over and over for about 10 minutes. I finally couldn't take it
anymore and suggested that he talk to the attendant who could exchange it
for a good bill. A few months ago I got into a short line at the self
check-out lane. A provocatively dressed young woman was ringing-up a few
item. When it came time to pay, she hauled out a big bag with lots of small
change. She paid for about $70 worth of stuff with nickels, dimes, and
pennies with the occasional quarter thrown in. Of course some of the money
was rejected and was fed into the machine several times. Then there are the
check writers who can't even think far enough ahead to get out the check
book before the cashier scans the last item let alone fill in the basic
information while the order is being processed. Another thing that
irritates me is when people have to ring-up several different orders from a
single cart full of items.