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  #136 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dave Smith
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Saerah wrote:

> i have a toddler, work a full time job (as a cook, no less!) and i still
> find the time. it's all a matter of priorities. those of us who enjoy and
> appreciate cooking a meal from scratch have it high on our priority list. on
> the other hand, i have not dusted in years (other than a few obligatory
> swipes), there are toys all over the apartment, and my bed is not made. you
> shouldn't take it so personally.

Some people seem to prefer to claim that they have no time rather than admit that they
don't have the interest. I have a friend who has a very demanding job and works long
hours in the office and at home. She doesn't cook much. She often goes out for dinner,
which probably takes more time than cooking something at home. However, she is a neat
freak. While she doesn't have time to cook she finds time to wipe off clean counters
and mop clean floors and to dust dust free shelves.