potluck etiquette--- please help!!!
On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 23:32:56 GMT, sf > wrote:
>I'm not going to cut off the booze, just shift the focus.
Are you a control freak?
>It won't be a big surprise because it will be duly noted on
>the reception card: "Get drunk on the hard stuff from this
>time to that... when we serve up the chow we'll cut off the
>bar, so you'll be limited to guzzling unlimited amounts of
>beer/wine/chamagne after that. Dancing will follow".
I'd really like to see the way you word that on an invitation.
For the minimal amount of savings you'll see between beer/wine and
hard liquor you'll look like a nut. Some people don't like beer or
wine. A real drunk is going to get drunk no matter what is served.
I'd be surprised if at least half of wedding attendees don't want to
be there. The least you can do is make them comfortable until you
count your cash.