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In article >,
"Kilikini" > wrote:

> Wow! It's a do-over!
> I cooked two ham bones down with garlic, celery and onion (and water, of
> course, not quite covering the bones, but close). I cooked them down until
> the meat and fat fell off the bone. Then I strained the broth, picked all
> the meat off the bones, and let it sit so I could skim the fat off the top
> of the cooling broth. Meanwhile, I cut up more onion, garlic and celery
> very finely and sauteed that with about 3 - 4 tablespoons of butter and when
> the mix got soft, I added 4 8-ounce containers of sliced mushrooms (fresh)
> and some dried sage. (I wanted to use Thyme, but I didn't have any!) When
> all that was cooked, I threw it in a pot and added about 5 ladels full of
> the ham broth. Okay, time for the half and half. I kept pouring until it
> was soupy and did a taste test. Hmmm. Needed salt. I added salt until it
> worked.
> WOW (again).
> To make sure that I wasn't fooling myself I brought a small bowl of it over
> to my neighbor's house and her eyes got really wide. She declared it
> excellent which meant her kids devoured the rest of the bowl.
> It is a winner folks.
> kili

Sounds awesome! :-)

Thanks for the recipe!


Sprout the MungBean to reply

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see, I have friends in both places." --Mark Twain