Thanks! Sis
"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Sun 23 Jan 2005 10:55:22p, Sandy wrote in
>> Where could I find this recipe? sounds great! thanks. Sis
> Margaret Suran posted the recipe. I think we've all agreed to change the
> baking temperature from 450 to 400 degrees F. and the baking time from 1
> hour to as much as 1 hour, 15 minutes.
> Wayne
>> Newsgroups:
>> Subject: Paper Bag Baked Apple Pie
>> From: Margaret Suran >
>> A friend sent me this recipe. She said that it is a very good recipe
>> and that I should not be afraid to put the paper bag into the oven.
>> Fairmont, San Jose 4th Annual Apple Pie Competition
>> November 2004
>> #1 Prize Winner: Patricia Nunes of San Jose
>> Brown Bag Apple Pie Recipe
>> Ingredients:
>> 6 Large Newton Pippin Apples
>> 1/2 Cup of Sugar
>> 2 Tablespoons of Flour
>> 1/2 Teaspoon of Nutmeg
>> 2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
>> Pare, core and slice the apples. Combine sugar, flour and nutmeg.
>> Sprinkle over apples then toss to coat thoroughly. Spoon into unbaked
>> pie shell (9 inch.). Drizzle with lemon juice and cover with topping.
>> Topping:
>> 1/2 Cup of Sugar
>> 1/2 Cup of Flour
>> 1/2 Cup of Butter
>> Combine sugar and flour, cut in batter, make it coarse. Sprinkle over
>> the apples to cover completely. Slide the pie into a large brown paper
>> bag. Fold ends and fasten (staples are the best). Bake at 450 degrees
>> for one hour. When baked tear bag away and cool the pie on the rack.