BOB wrote:
> Piedmont wrote:
>>I'm very pleased today! Food Lion just started a sale on
>>spare ribs today and I bought 8 slabs at $1.69 per/LB.
>>The lowest price I've seen for many, many months! Yee Hah!
> Sam's (here in Orlando) has spares regularly at $1.89/# (3 slabs per
> cryovac pack) and frequently goes down to $1.79/#, but it's rare that I
> see them much lower. Lasr summer right after July 4, they had a sale @
> $1.49/# and I stocked up my freezer.
> who is now thinking that some ribs sound excellent
I had some fun picking them out, I went back to the meat case and all I
saw was these little packages of cut up blocks of spare ribs! First
thing I thought us, BS!, the ad said spares and those ain't spares!
I went to the butcher buzzer and started slamm'in the guy saying that
when the store says spare ribs, that is what I expect to see. I asked if
they had anything not ruined!
He took me back into the meat dept and showed me 4 double cryo packs! I
said price 'em out and they leave with me!
Mike Willsey (Piedmont)
"The Practical Bar-B-Q'r!"
Charities; Oxfam GB:,
Operation Smile:
If you or a loved one has thyroid issues, please have their thyroid
checked for radiation levels!