In article >, Stark >
> Had a good cream reduction sauce going, down to a thin batter
> consistency when I added a handful of shrimp, letting them cook while I
> poached some eggs. Maybe a little longer than 5 minutes, but when the
> eggs were poached and the shrimp pink, my sauce had broken up.
> Added a little cream and stirred; the sauce was edible but I wouldn't
> call it presentable.
> What happened? The shrimp were thawed but wet. Was there residual
> water? Should I have taken the sauce off the heat? Would the shrimp
> have cooked off heat? I couldnt whisk the sauce with the shrimp in
> there. Maybe I just looked at it wrong.
I'd have cooked the shrimp separately, then added them after everything
was finished. Shrimp tend to throw a little liquid when they are
cooking, and it also might have overheated the sauce a bit.
That's my guess anyway. :-)
Sprout the MungBean to reply
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