On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 21:28:01 GMT, "Vox Humana"
> scribbled some thoughts:
>"Andrew H. Carter" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On 26 Jan 2005 17:11:08 -0800,
>> scribbled some thoughts:
>> >Just makes me shake my head in amazement and despair. Why exercise some
>> >personal responsibility and self-control when you can sue somebody
>> >instead? I have no illusions about why I'm overweight--If there's
>> >something that's bad for me, I'm pretty sure to like it. But nobody
>> >ever forced me to go to McDonald's or Jack in the Box etc etc. Even
>> >without a specific calorie and fat analysis, I never kidded myself that
>> >I was eating healthfood, there. Even more than stopping people from
>> >making bad lunch choices which I view as being far too nanny-stateish,
>> >I wish people would stop looking on litigation as a form of recreation
>> >in this country. It's an expensive form of whining. Eat what you want,
>> >but be willing to accept the consequences of doing so.
>> >
>> >Melissa
>> Hear Hear. That's why I ONLY use butter, I love bacon and
>> even after working for a pizzeria for 3 years 1 month and 5
>> days (Chester's Pizzeria in Hamilton, Ohio), I still love
>> pizza. I also normally have a 5 egg omellette or scrambled
>> eggs with 5 eggs. I guess all those years of eating duck
>> and goose eggs got me addicted to a healthy portion of eggs.
>> Once you've eaten a duck egg or a goose egg, especially a
>> goose egg, a couple chicken eggs won't cut the mustard.
>> Also love 2% whole milk. Anything less is like drinking
>> water.
>> Give me bacon or give me death!
>> Give me butter or give me death!
>Death might be preferable to living in Hamilton!
Some areas weren't bad, though it's been a while since I
last was there and like many areas, the concrete jungle is
Sincerely, | NOTE: Best viewed in a fixed pitch font
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Andrew H. Carter | ------ooo--(_)--ooo------
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