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Kyle Phillips
Posts: n/a

"Vox Humana" > ha scritto

> > You're referring to the woman who got a cup of coffee from the drivethru
> > window and couldn't think of a better place to put it than between her
> > thighs? A bump and... Ouch!
> >
> > I could see suing if a server poured coffee on me, but not after putting

> the
> > cup where anyone with half a clue would realize is dangerous as hell.

> Yes, but it is obvious that you aren't familiar with the details of the

> as you assume that the car was moving when the coffee was spilled.

You're right, it's been a while and I remembered the car as moving. But even
in a still car I wouldn't put something dangerously hot (and you can tell,
if you have any experience with coffee, how hot it is from the temperature
of the outside of the container, no matter what it's made of) between my
thighs. There is an element of common sense here, rather like that which
keeps you from putting your hand on a hot stove because you feel the heat
rising up from it.
McD's would likely have been smarter to pay her costs, but I don't see them
as being particularly at fault.

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