"Kyle Phillips" > wrote in message
> "Vox Humana" > ha scritto
> > > You're referring to the woman who got a cup of coffee from the
> > > window and couldn't think of a better place to put it than between her
> > > thighs? A bump and... Ouch!
> > >
> > > I could see suing if a server poured coffee on me, but not after
> > the
> > > cup where anyone with half a clue would realize is dangerous as hell.
> >
> > Yes, but it is obvious that you aren't familiar with the details of the
> case
> > as you assume that the car was moving when the coffee was spilled.
> You're right, it's been a while and I remembered the car as moving. But
> in a still car I wouldn't put something dangerously hot (and you can tell,
> if you have any experience with coffee, how hot it is from the temperature
> of the outside of the container, no matter what it's made of) between my
> thighs. There is an element of common sense here, rather like that which
> keeps you from putting your hand on a hot stove because you feel the heat
> rising up from it.
> McD's would likely have been smarter to pay her costs, but I don't see
> as being particularly at fault.
I think that it would only be common sense if you knew that the coffee was
so hot that it would cause 3rd. degree burns in a few seconds. I know that
the coffee that I drink at home won't do that because I have spilled it on
myself without consequence.