> Piedmont wrote:
>> I'm very pleased today! Food Lion just started a sale on spare ribs
>> today and I bought 8 slabs at $1.69 per/LB. The lowest price I've
>> seen for many, many months! Yee Hah!
Jev Vandegrift wrote:
> A little background about myself. I own/manage a BBQ restaurant in
> Shawnee, OK. Anyway, we were recently noticing that we didn't see a
> single price decrease in the year of 2004. Normally as you all
> probably know they go up and down. Right now they have only gone UP!
> I sure hope that they drop you saw indicates some relief in the
> market and not just a store that bought too many ribs and has to
> unload them in a hurry.
> Jev Vandegrift
> Van's Pig Stands (http://www.pigstands.com)
> Shawnee, OK
I rearranged your post (we prefer bottom posting) for context.
Welcome to afb, it's always nice to have another professional among the
ranks and I'm sure Dave Bugg and Big Jim will be glad for your company, too.
Jack Curry
-Also hoping barbecue meat prices stay down for a spell-