Aluminum baking sheets
> You can try chilling the dough instead of the sheets.
Or line the sheets with parchment paper.
"Vox Humana" > wrote in message
> "Darryl L. Pierce" > wrote in message
> > My wife gave me two aluminum baking sheets and a roasting pan for Xmas.
> > made my first batch of cookies on Saturday using the new sheets and
> > that, with my thin cookie recipe, the cookies spread more than they ever
> > have before. Also, the pan's stayed hotter for alot longer than my old
> pans
> > (some-brand non-stick). The cookies themselves came out just fine, but
> were
> > unfortunately too wide to fit through the mouth of the cookie jar...
> >
> > Any suggestions on working with aluminum baking sheets? Should I freeze
> them
> > prior to making cookies in order to keep the cookies from spreading too
> > quickly?
> You can try chilling the dough instead of the sheets.