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Default What's your favorite shitake recipe?

Mine is called Health Soup. Enjoy:

Start with beef, chicken or veggie broth (I like beef the best), throw
in some whole wheat pasta (half a handful) or jasmine rice if you'd
prefer it and go cut veggies. Whatever you've got in the fridge will
do, I usually cut up some broccoli or cauliflower, a few baby carrots,
crimini or white mushrooms and always shitake mushrooms- they really
make the soup. Cook for about 5 minutes on medium-low, or as long or as
little as you want, depending on how crispy you want the veggies. Last
step- turn off flame and prepare an egg yolk- whip it in a bowl and
slowly add broth to it. When you have a bowl full of eggy broth, add it
to the soup and stir. Add salt and pepper to taste and enjoy. Your body
will thank you. :-) Anyone else have any shitake recipes or anything
they think will taste good in my health soup?
