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Kyle Phillips
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"Vox Humana" > ha scritto


> >
> > You're right, it's been a while and I remembered the car as moving. But

> even
> > in a still car I wouldn't put something dangerously hot (and you can

> > if you have any experience with coffee, how hot it is from the

> > of the outside of the container, no matter what it's made of) between my
> > thighs. There is an element of common sense here, rather like that which
> > keeps you from putting your hand on a hot stove because you feel the

> > rising up from it.
> > McD's would likely have been smarter to pay her costs, but I don't see

> them
> > as being particularly at fault.

> I think that it would only be common sense if you knew that the coffee was
> so hot that it would cause 3rd. degree burns in a few seconds. I know

> the coffee that I drink at home won't do that because I have spilled it on
> myself without consequence.

Fresh coffee is hot, and if you have dumped a freshly brewed pot on yourself
without suffering consequences you have been lucky. Exactly how hot may
vary -- you wouldn't be lucky with my coffee maker -- but a drink made by
dribbling boiling water through grounds and collecting the infusion in a cup
is going to be hot, and one should expect it to be so and act accordingly.
Personal repsonsability and all that.

To blame MCD's in this case is like racing into the street without looking
and blaming the person who runs us over for driving too fast. He may have
been, but it's our fault that we ran out into the middle of the street.
