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Jev Vandegrift
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ToLo wrote:
> Jack Curry said on 1/27/2005 7:08 PM:
>>> Piedmont wrote:
>>>> I'm very pleased today! Food Lion just started a sale on spare ribs
>>>> today and I bought 8 slabs at $1.69 per/LB. The lowest price I've

>> Jev Vandegrift wrote:
>>> A little background about myself. I own/manage a BBQ restaurant in
>>> Shawnee, OK. Anyway, we were recently noticing that we didn't see a
>>> Jev Vandegrift
>>> Van's Pig Stands (
>>> Shawnee, OK

>> I rearranged your post (we prefer bottom posting) for context.
>> Welcome to afb, it's always nice to have another professional among the
>> ranks and I'm sure Dave Bugg and Big Jim will be glad for your
>> company, too.
>> Jack Curry
>> -Also hoping barbecue meat prices stay down for a spell-

> Looked at site. They have been serving BBQ since 1930!! 75th year
> anniversary this year!

Thanks for the welcome Jack, glad to be here. A little more history, my
grandfather started Van's In 1930. My dad got in the business in the
60's and inherited it in 1974. I started washing dishes in 1987 and got
my 1st managers gig in 1994 when we opened the Norman store. I now run
the original location in Shawnee and Dad is retired.

One thing I have noticed about bbqing since I started to socialize a bit
with the competition types is that competitive cooking is quite
different from restaurant cooking. In a copetition a guy might look
through 12 cases of ribs to find the perfect 12 to cook then only use a
few of them for judging. He watches them carefully as he goes treating
each one as if it were the last side of ribs on the planet. In my
restaurant, I have to cook 60-100 sides at a time and take drive by
orders, manage the crew, cook hamburgers and countless other tasks at
the same time.

Anyway, I love the food and I love to eat other peoples food (it's just
more enjoyable to me when I don't have to cook it.) I look forward to
any tips I might get or give on here. Have a great weekend and
remember: "Smoke is our Friend!"

Jev Vandegrift
Van's Pig Stand (
Shawnee, OK