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  #74 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Next time someone hits their thumb with a hammer,
they'll probably sue the hammer maker.

After all, they should have known that you might hit your thumb,
and they should have installed.......... thumb guards ??

>> IIRC the elderly woman who filed the coffee lawsuit did not go through the
>> drive-thru. She just spilled coffee in her lap.

>Actually, she was a passenger in a car. She ordered coffee with cream. The
>drive parked the car so she could add the cream. The coffee spilled,
>causing 3rd degree burns to her genital area. The woman was hospitalized
>for about two weeks, suffered immense pain, and had to have therapy
>afterwards. She initially only asked to be reimbursed for her medial bills
>which amounted to about $20K. Over 750 other people had reported burns to
>McDonalds. Their own consultants told them to turn down the temperature
>(from almost boiling) to 140F but they felt they would lose money if they
>reduced the temperature to a normal 140F which is about what your home
>coffee maker is set to. It was a calculated risk that had already resulted
>in hundreds of known burns. McDonalds also claimed that the reason they
>served he coffee at such a high temperature was because people bought it to
>drink when they got to a their destination - except that internal documents
>showed that they knew most people drank it in the car. Therefore, they knew
>that the coffee was dangerously hot, most people drank it in moving
>vehicles, and that the lid would have to be removed to put in cream and
