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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

Damsel wrote:

> I took a mussell at a different place a couple years ago, and once I got it
> to the table, I couldn't eat it. It looked a lot like something that
> gynecologists look at all day.

That a long lead in just to deliver a joke :-)

I used to eat mussels quite often. I liked them. Then one day I came home to
find my wife dick as a dog. She had to be driven home from work. She had had
mussels for lunch and either had a bad one or had an allergic reaction. Seeing
how sick she was scared me off them. I have had only one or two in the 20 years
since, and I ate those with trepidation. I know it's silly, but she was so
sick. It reminded me of the time I had food poisoning, and I don't ever want to
be that sick again.