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Dave Smith
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Rodney Myrvaagnes wrote:

> Why would you expect something so many people like to be horrible? I
> can understand people objecting to andouillettes, haggis, or
> jellyfish, although I don't myself. But mushrooms?

I used to dislike mushrooms, but now I really like them. What surprises me is the number
of people who absolutely hate peas. I don't understand what there is not to like about

But speaking of mushrooms. I used to work with a crew that included a father and son.
The father was a funny old guy whose idea of a good meal out was a hamburger. They came
in to work one night and the father was in a foul mood. His son kept pestering him to
tell everyone why he was so upset. After an hour or so the son told us why his dad was

It seems that his wife had made Swiss Steak for dinner. Old Mort loved it. He had seconds
and thirds, and when he went back for a fourth helping the son said "Here, If you like
mushrooms so much have some of mine.". Old Mort hated mushrooms and was incenses that
his wife would feed him something he didn't like. Never mind that he had already had
three helpings.