Canadian Mad Cow, was Americans have been eatingmadcowsforyears...
The Wolf wrote:
> > government has now changed the age to suit the Canadian records?? Considering
> > the
> > political and economic impact of a situation like this, would it not be
> > appropriate
> > that they get their story straight before they start pointing fingers?
> >
> >
> Yes it would, I think the entire thing is way overblown. Considering the low
> risk of humans contracting it. But if all the attention leads to better
> inspections than it is a good thing.
I agree that it is overblown. Unfortunately, the last mad cow incident cost the
Canadian beef industry billions of dollars. Steps had already been taken to
regulate he sort of feed that can be given to cattle to prevent BSE. The Canadian
government is apparently now admitting the possibility that the cow did in fact
originate in Alberta. They are now investigating the feed to see how it could have
been contaminated.
> Blaming canada is fun though.
It seems to be a national past time.