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C. James Strutz wrote:
> Saute the onions, bell peppers, and celery in olive oil until they

begin to
> soften. Add the garlic, shitakes, and rice ... Cover and simmer until

> liquid is absorbed, about 40 minutes. Stir in parley and reseason.

So, you're putting in uncooked rice and ending up with fully cooked
rice? I have trouble cooking rice without using the rice cooker. It
either ends up too mushy or hard (not cooked thoroughly). I guess it's
a little harder to mess up brown rice because it doesn't get mushy as
fast as white rice does.


p.s. great recipe! I ate a dish like that at a health food store once
and it was called Life Rice I believe, and that was my first encounter
with shitake mushrooms-- mmmm they're so "meaty" if you don't mind the
expression and so heavenly!