"PhotoMan" > wrote in message
> "Doug Kanter" > wrote in message
> ...
>> 1) I've posted at least three possible reasons, all of which are based on
>> the realities of the grocery industry.
>> 2) The actual reasons are not known to you or I, but could be if you
>> wrote
> a
>> letter to the company instead of complaining about it in a newsgroup
>> where
>> nobody has the ability to give you a definitive answer.
>> 3) You say I haven't come up with a better explanation, but you have yet
> to
>> comment on any of the well-intended things I've written. Your most
>> interesting response has merely been "They do it so they can raise the
> price
>> without appearing to raise the price." You have refused to think about
>> why
>> it might have been necessary to raise the price.
>> 4) Besides being well-intended, my comments are based on working for many
>> years (and currently) in the wholesale end of the grocery business.
>> Therefore, they're far from guesses.
>> 5) At least twice, I've reminded others here that the price of milk has
> gone
>> through the roof over the past year or two, and wondered why anyone
>> should
>> expect a product that's largely made of milk to remain stable in price.
>> Nobody (including you) has acknowledged this fact. How about doing that
> now?
>> 6) The tone of this entire discussion suggests that some of the
> participants
>> suspect an evil conspiracy. But, nobody is complaining about the other
>> grocery products which have gone through the exact same changes. Why is
>> that?
>> 7) My neighbor's driveway is the same size as mine. He's very happy with
> the
>> company which completely repaved it 5 years ago, so he gave me a copy of
> the
>> invoice for the work because I need to have mine repaved in the spring.
>> In
>> addition to the company he used, I called 3 others for estimates. They
> were
>> all pretty close in price, but every one of them was about 40% higher
>> than
>> what my neighbor paid. This is far beyond normal inflation. Can you guess
>> what raw material the increase is based on? If you answer yes, do you
>> feel
>> the increase was still unjustified?
>> Your turn. You need to go back through the thread and actually read what
>> I've written before you can tell me that I haven't come up with a better
>> explanation.
> I never questioned the reasoning behind the price increase. Had they
> simply
> raised the price I would have grumbled under my breath and bought it
> anyway.
> Railing on and on about the cost of doing business has nothing to do with
> my
> original post. Re-read it!
OK. Let's assume we agree that because of real-world factors, they had to
raise the price. Did you want a large sign on the freezer case, warning you
that the package was now smaller? Or, did you want them to load up the ice
cream with guar gum like the store-brand crap, so you wouldn't have to go
through this trauma?