"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Fri 28 Jan 2005 05:27:24a, kilikini wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>> isn't necessarily an inexpensive dish anyway. By the time you buy all
>> the cheese (mozzarella, ricotta - COTTAGE - and parmesan), get the
>> noodles, whatever meat or veggie, it's right up there in the $30 - $40
>> US mark. But then, that was on Maui; haven't tried it with Florida's
>> considerably cheaper food prices.
> You're right, it's certainly not a bargain food. Another fooler is chili,
> especially if you buy canned beans and tomato product, and put a lot of
> meat in it.
Yeah, but it makes tons of leftovers. Not the throw out leftovers, the you
have a lot of great food in the freezer leftovers. By the time you
the cost per serving, it's minimal.
Funny story, I was once in a wedding, my then boyfriend is a terrific cook.
I agreed to bring lasagna to the bridal shower. Well, I reported the news,
he took it surprisingly well, despite being DIRT POOR, he made the sauce,
he cooked up sausage and meatballs and put together two HUGE pans of
lasagna. We're talking those enormous foil pans, like the turkey size. How
many friggin people did I think were going to be there?
Dragged them down to south jersey, okay, not balanced on my head or
anything, in my car. This extended Italian family were astonished at how
good the lasagna was. You made this!????????? Yes. Sure. How can
an Irish girl make sucha good lasagna??? They were amazed.
Yup, I bold face lied that I made it myself. And brought enough to feed a
family of eight for 2 weeks.