"axlq" > wrote in message
> In article > ,
> Lucy > wrote:
> >I've decided, after a few minutes of thought, to post however I see fit.
> If your objective in posting is to reach an audience, then it
> behooves you to post in a fashion acceptable to the community you're
> communicating with. Bottom posting is simply good netiquette.
> If I said, "I've decided, after a few minutes of thought, to belch,
> fart loudly, and even masturbate in fancy restaurants whenever
> I have the urge," then you get the flavor of your decision with
> respect to-top posting in newsgroups.
Oh, good Gawd...it's not at all comparable. Yes, top-posting
is generally frowned upon, and for the reasons you mentioned
- but it's by no means the same level of faux pas as any of the
above. I'd much rather read a top-posted post than one which
has been bottom-posted by some moron who can't be bothered
to trim the hundreds of lines that have been written previously.
If you're going to be THIS anal regarding posting styles, well, it's
your right - but I would suggest you then simply employ the use
of a killfile or other such filtering technique to protect your blood
pressure; don't go beating up on everyone who happens to
disagree with the degree of offense you feel about this.
Bob M.