Damsel wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 13:07:28 -0600, "jmcquown"
> > wrote:
>> Damsel wrote:
>>> On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 11:54:16 -0500, Michael L Kankiewicz
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Steve Calvin wrote:
>>>>>> Geoduck clams have the same effect on some men I know (well, at
>>>>>> least one).
>>>>> make that two! They may be very good but just lookin' at 'em
>>>>> gives me the willies.
>>>> LOL! Make that three! When I brought home my first geoduck, wife
>>>> said "Wow, it looks sorta like a pxxxx!"
>>>> So when it came time to slice it, my legs became very weak. LOL!
>>> Just pretend you're a rabbi. You'll be fine.
>>> Carol
>> Oh right, like you'd slice and eat a geoduck (pronounced gooey-duck)
>> Jill
> Not a snowball's chance in hell. I was merely offering some helpful
> advice to assist Michael with his knee issues.
> Carol
You feeling any better? I am about to head off to pick up something from my
doctor's office. Hope you aren't still uh... upchuking.