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Priscilla H. Ballou wrote:
> Michael L Kankiewicz wrote:
>>On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Priscilla H. Ballou wrote:
>>>Damsel wrote:
>>>>Have you seen a Chinese buffet with pizza yet? (I have)
>>>I have yet to see a Chinese buffet period. I gather they're a
>>>midwestern invention? Here in Boston we have Chinese restaurants where
>>>you order from a menu. Some are more Chinese than others, but I have
>>>yet to see anything like a buffet other than the extra steam table where
>>>you pick up shellfish and chicken feet, etc. when having dim sum.

>>Oh no, we have a bunch of them in western new york, and we ate at one in
>>either north or south carolina (can't remember which, being on the road).
>>They had crayfish!

> Fascinating! Clearly I am culturally deprived.
> Priscilla

There are probably 15 of them within a 20 minute drive here in Eastern
PA. 10 of them appeared last year alone.

The older ones tend to have a lot more in the way of traditional Chinese
foods. The newcomers tend to have >50% tater tots/pizza/fries/macaroni &
cheese/chicken space nuggets etc.