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Steve Calvin
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Damsel wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 19:20:21 GMT, Don Gray > wrote:
>>I am from the UK but I read this newsgroup regularly and contribute
>>occasionally, if appropriate. However, from the first comment of Lucy I
>>suspected a sort of arrogance that is rarely encounted here. An ignorance of
>>food or cooking standards mixed with the ability to sweetie-pie (con!) people
>>into believing that 'she' was sincere.
>>I began a post stating the same beliefs, but deleted it, thinking that,
>>although hoodwinked, people would eventually recognise her for what she
>>really was. I hope that she will now disappear from whence she came, without
>>pretending that her only interest in this group is 'food'.

> I've been accused of being too open, positive, and forgiving. Guilty as
> charged, but I still feel like a fool when something like this happens.
> Damsel, sitting in the corner in a pointy hat

Right beside ya. My hat's biiigggger, my hat's biiigggers.. ;-)


Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...