Lucy wrote:
> I've decided, after a few minutes of thought, to post however I see fit. So,
> if you hate top posted remarks, don't read them! I'm not downloading
> anything to move the cursor (although that was a kind suggestion), and I'm
> not changing newsgroup readers.
> It has been my experience with computers that the less I change on them, the
> longer they seem to work <g>
> So.. to horribly chop up a Plato quote...
> Let the poster post, and let the reader read!
It's not a problem with me. AFAIAC sometimes it is easier to figure out what the
poster is referring to by scrolling down or to check the previous post in the
thread to see what was said than it is to go through several screens of quoted
text from the previous post. I have never been bothered by top posting. I don't
understand why some people get so upset about it. Time for a chill pill or an