Lucy wrote:
> I decided to make what I like.. so I stopped by the store on the way home,
> and was all ready to make my first entire meal sans cookbook. It was just
> for hubby and me, the kids ate before I got home. (lucky kids).. I intended
> to make:
> -boneless skinless chicken breasts sauteed in olive oil, garlic and those
> little sweet onions (not green onions and not pearl onions.. i forget the
> name)
> -fresh baby spinach leaves, sauteed in olive oil with black pepper (again,
> this isn't intended to be gourmet, it is just what my tastebuds like)
> -steamed cauliflower florets with diced red pepper
> -steamed asparagus with butter and lemon juice
> What I actually made, however, was:
> -boneless skinless chicken breasts that were raw (yes, raw!) in the middle,
> with burned garlic, and little onions. I put plenty of olive oil in the pan,
> and yet when I lifted them to turn them over.. I ripped some of the flesh
> off, as it stuck to the pan. haha
Flattening the chicken breasts (put them between two sheets of plastic
or waxed paper and pounding) would have ensured they were cooked
through. Saute the garlic and onions first then remove them from the pan
while the chicken browns. Then put back the garlic and onions; they
don't burn that way. The oil may not have been hot enough when the
chicken was put in or you may have tried to turn it too soon. Let it get
brown on one side before turning it. Just takes practise!
> -spinach leaves, but only one serving. Who knew it would shrink so much? I
> am tempted to email the FDA and ask them to require manufacturers to put on
> the package: WARNING: Shrinkage does occur, and all the viagra in the world
> isn't going to correct this.
ROTFL! It often depends on the spinach too. One of those large bags of
spinach from the warehouse places makes about two servings for me.
> -cauliflower florets and stalk, with diced, mushy red pepper. By the time I
> cut off all the black spots, there wasn't much left of the cauliflower, so I
> added chopped up stalk.
Nothing wrong with that. Again, saute the pepper first and remove it.
Cook the cauliflower and add back the pepper at the end. But avoid
buying cauliflower with black spots on it if you can.
> -steamed asparagus with butter and lemon juice, that actually turned out
> great! <gasp>
LOL no comment since I don't like asparagus anyway.
> So.. hubby and I fought over the spinach and asparagus, then flipped a coin
> for pizza or chinese. I won.. so it was chinese.
> Ok, so bring on all the shame as well as the tips!
> lucy
No shame. Cooking takes practise and experience. You made a great start!