In article >,
"Doug Kanter" > wrote:
> I am militant about corporations which represent what I consider pure evil,
> and this ain't one of them. Try Monsanto or Dow Chemical, if you want to see
> lies (and dangerous ones) or the sake of profit.
> As far as Breyers, were you planning on writing to them today, or tomorrow?
> Here's their contact info:
That's just plain silly. You're comparing the acts of Breyers with
Monsanto and Dow Chemical? Do you also excuse shoplifters because
they're not serial killers?
And why would I write Breyers?
"To Whom It May Concern,
I don't actually buy your product, but...."
> Based on unit pricing, that's about what you pay now for a 1 lb box of
> cookies.
Which is not at all the issue. It was an analogy, not a analysis of
actual prices.
> It may seem that way, but how do you or I know what they've discovered with
> market research? Perhaps, if you're on a limited budget, a $6.00 container
> of ice cream won't get your attention, but a $4.00 one will, REGARDLESS of
> the price per ounce?
Who knows? But that's the budgeting of someone who needs remedial math.
Again, unless they cut down on their total yearly ice cream consumption,
they'll blow their budget.
to respond (OT only), change "spamless.invalid" to ""