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In article >,
Bubbabob > wrote:

> Yes, but cooking does little to nullify the toxins that the bacteria have
> already excreted.
> To be on the safe side, boil the brine for a minute or two between the
> birds. I probably wouldn't bother, myself.

Toxins aren't usually an issue with poultry, and boiling the brine
wouldn't help if they were the problem.

The most common concerns are Salmonella and Camphylobacter, which both
cause infections (i.e., bacterial growth in the stomach).

There have also been cases illnesses from Staph. Aureus, a a toxin
producer. This toxin is heat stabile and can survive 6 hours of boiling
without any reduction in toxicity. Though more frequently associated
with beef, c. perfingens has been known to infect poultry. It is also a
toxin producer.

There have even been extremely rare cases of botulism in tightly stuffed
poultry where an oxygen reduced environment was created inside the
poultry cavity. Not an issue when brining, and a quick boil wouldn't
help, either.

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