"PhotoMan" > wrote:
> I'd have bitten the bullet and raised the price of the 2 quart package. No
> deceit, nothing hidden. What would be wrong in doing so? More importantly,
> explain why NOT to do it that way.
I agree completely.
Another recent scam of sorts is Jack Daniels lowering the proof from 86 down
to 80. Since making whiskey basically consists of distilling to a much
higher proof, then diluting it with water down to the bottling proof, I'm
sure this is just another way of getting more money for the same amount of
product. Jack Daniels is certainly not the first. Southern Comfort has been
at this for a long time, and I believe is now down to the 74 or 76 proof
range. I'm sure someone will come in and say these companies are "enhancing
the customer experience" or some crap like that.
For humorous take on another major corporation's marketing, try this little
cartoon (it's been around a little while):