Dude.. you need some therapy. Take a few friends with you!
"Don Gray" > wrote in message
> Lucy wrote:
>> I've decided, after a few minutes of thought, to post however I see fit.
>> So, if you hate top posted remarks, don't read them! I'm not downloading
>> anything to move the cursor (although that was a kind suggestion), and
>> I'm
>> not changing newsgroup readers. It has been my experience with computers
>> that the less I change on them, the longer they seem to work <g> So.. to
>> horribly chop up a Plato quote... Let the poster post, and let the reader
>> read!
>> lubbs! lucy
p.s. If it means so much to any individual here, you are
>> welcome to pay me to learn all the rules and apply them with each post.
>> <grins>
> A strange thing!!
> I am from the UK but I read this newsgroup regularly and contribute
> occasionally, if appropriate. However, from the first comment of Lucy I
> suspected a sort of arrogance that is rarely encounted here. An ignorance
> of
> food or cooking standards mixed with the ability to sweetie-pie (con!)
> people
> into believing that 'she' was sincere.
> I began a post stating the same beliefs, but deleted it, thinking that,
> although hoodwinked, people would eventually recognise her for what she
> really was. I hope that she will now disappear from whence she came,
> without
> pretending that her only interest in this group is 'food'.
> Don
> --
> Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus