In article >,
Steve Calvin > wrote:
> Steve Calvin wrote:
> > Katra wrote:
> >
> >> In article >,
> >> "Bob" > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Katra wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> How does it compare to Elephant garlic?
> >>>> I've noted that stuff to be nice and mild.
> >>>> Good flavor but not as "potent".
> >>>>
> >>>> Too bad it's so expensive!!!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Elephant garlic is actually a different species of plant than "real"
> >>> garlic. I'm not sure if it's got the same health benefits attributed
> >>> to garlic, but it's pleasant in its own right.
> >>>
> >>> Bob
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> Any hints on how to grow it?
> >
> >
> > It's very easy Kat. Here's a link that's pretty decent:
> >
> >
> > I have another one somewhere if I could just locate it. Basically, plant
> > it (individual "toes" not the whole head) with the root end down. I put
> > mine down about 3-4 inches deep. The only other thing is in the spring
> > when they start to wanna flower a thin round shoot (called a scape) will
> > begin to sprout with a thin "bulb" at the tip. It'll then start to curl
> > around like it's trying to grow back on itself. This need to be broken
> > off below the bulb early. That way the plant thinks that it's not ready
> > to flower yet and puts it's energy into bulb (the one in the ground)
> > development. When the leaves look almost dead pull 'em out. I hang mine
> > in a cool dry place for a week or so and then clean them up and into
> > cool, dry, dark storage.
> >
> >
> I'll answer your question on soil and sun here so it's in one spot.
> Mine gets planted in good very loose soil. Each year I 'till in some
> additional dried and composted cow crap. (It really doesn't stink, you
> can smell if you get close for a few days but that's about it).
> Where I have my garden, it gets direct sun from sunrise until around 4
> o'clock or so.
> I'll be darned if I can find that other link that I had... I'll look
> more when I have some time.
Thanks! :-)
I might give it one more try this year.
I may have been using the wrong type of soil.
Sprout the MungBean to reply
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see, I have friends in both places." --Mark Twain