kilikini wrote:
> Damsel wrote:
> > On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 13:58:47 -0500, Michael L Kankiewicz
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> Oh no, we have a bunch of them in western new york, and we ate at
> >> one in either north or south carolina (can't remember which, being
> >> on the road). They had crayfish!
> >
> > Get this! In our town, they label the (which is smaller - dungeness
> > or snow crabs?) as King Crab.
> >
> > They label the crayfish as Lobster.
> >
> > I have NO idea how they get away with it.
> >
> > Carol
> That's 'cause they're clueless. Snow crab has longer legs, dungeness is
> more compact.
There was a news article a whiles back that said that a lot of what Red
Lobster calls "lobster" on their menus is actually crayfish...of course with
an outfit like RL I'm not really surprised.
AFAIK a lot of crayfish is imported from Vietnam, China, etc. Apparently
the Louisiana, etc. crayfish growers are up in arms about this and want
restrictive trade legislation against these imports.