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Mark Shaw
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Default Spoiled pork? Or am I okay?

Last Sunday I bought a couple of pork shoulders for sausage from
Costco. I got busy, though, and they stayed on the bottom shelf
of my fridge until yesterday (Friday) evening, at which point
they were four days beyond the "sell by" date. They were sealed
in plastic (I think the name for this kind of packaging is Cry-o-

When I opened the bag, I noted the typical sort of "sweet" odor
associated with this type of packaging, but somewhat stronger
than is typical. The meat itself held the odor, even after
rinsing with fresh water. There was no discoloration or other
off-odors, and just a little sliminess (something I've also
seen with this packaging), just the plastic-bag smell.

I went ahead and ran it all through the Porkert for the first
grind, and froze it. I've been assuming that it's going to be
okay, but I thought I might check with the experts....

Anyone have an opinion on this? Thanks.

Mark Shaw moc TOD liamg TA wahsnm
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