"jacqui{JB}" > wrote in
> If you
> want to fine-tune it a bit instead, highlight the message as
> above, click" Message," select "Create Rule from Sender," and
> select the parameters for blocking that particular sender: where
> you want the rule applied (just this newsgroup or all the default
> all newsgroups, if the subject contains particular words, etc),
> what you want to happen to such messages (delete, flag, etc.), and
> the name of the rule.
Be aware however that killfiles are not foolproof. Individuals are
not killfiled. Identities (actually character strings which are
contained in message headers) are. So if Joe Bfltsplk is killfiled
on an account being
, you will still see him if he posts
from another account, say or even if he
identifies himself as such whether he is posting from aol.com or not.
I have only ever changed my identity when I have changed ISPs which
has happened a few times, but I have never purposefully tried to get
around people's plonk lists. Unfortunately I can't say the same for
some people I have killfiled over the years.
Also, killfiling does not mean you can't read someone's posting. For
example, unless they use X-No Archive, you can read their pathetic
mewlings on Google groups (where you can't killfile), and of course
if anyone quotes their ill-conceived "bon mots", you can read them as
quoted text (or as unedited bottom posted text in some cases) in
others' postings.
[...] remember when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down 'ere on Earth!
Monty Python's Universe Song