This plays hell with a lot of home-grown recipes that call for things like
"small jar of marshmallow creme" or "16 oz. can of tomatoes", when a can of
tomatoes is now 14.5 oz., and the marshmallow creme has gone from 9 oz to
"axlq" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> PhotoMan > wrote:
>>Breyers recently reduced the package size of their ice cream
>>from 1/2 gallon to 1-1/2 quarts, but didn't lower the price at all. That's
>>25 % difference!!! They do what they think they can get away with. Do
>>scanners in stores ever err in the customer's favor? Of course not -
>>playing the odds that you'll never notice - and if you do, they'll
>>till they get blue in the face.
> It's nothing new. Hershey's did that with their chocolate bar years
> ago; now it's a pretty thin bar. Going from 32 oz bottles to 1
> liter bottles and retaining the price has also occurred and escaped
> notice; 1 liter is slightly smaller than a quart.
> -A