"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> limey wrote:
>> "limey" wrote in message
>>> I love halibut but never see it sold fresh here in Maryland. I
>>> think it's caught in the NW, isn't it? Anyway, I broke down and
>>> bought a large bag of frozen halibut fillets from Costco.
>>> Does anyone have a really favorite way to fix it? I've Googled like
>>> crazy but so far nothing has clicked. I'd really appreciate your
>>> help.
>>> Dora
>> Oh, yum! What great-sounding recipes - I can't wait to try them. To
>> answer your questions, they're fillets - "Product of China". I
>> didn't notice the small print before. I just hope a halibut is a
>> halibut everywhere.
>> Dora
> I don't think the fish care where they were born 
> Jill
LOL! But how do we really know?