"Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> Be aware however that killfiles are not foolproof.
> Individuals are not killfiled.
That's true, especially with OE. Other programs, such as Agent, have
better killfile capabilities.
> Also, killfiling does not mean you can't read
> someone's posting. For example, unless they
> use X-No Archive, you can read their pathetic
> mewlings on Google groups (where you can't
> killfile),
And if I understand correctly, even x-no-archive is under some debate
with the new version of Google.
> and of course if anyone quotes their ill-conceived
> "bon mots", you can read them as quoted text (or
> as unedited bottom posted text in some cases) in
> others' postings.
Editing and snipping is good. Exercising self-control is better.
And there are always other groups, if rfc isn't to one's liking. In
addition to rec.food.recipes and alt.cooking.chat, there are a number
of ethnic/specialty food groups; and I'm sure Yahoo! and MSN host
cooking groups, too.
As a regular in another group I read regularly says: If you don't like
what's being posted in the group, either leave the group or post
something you *would* like to read. Complaining about content without
actively contributing to the group is unhelpful.
Which is why I rarely complain about content here, since I'm mostly a
lurker. I browse, comment when the spirit moves me, keep my killfiles
active (occasionally reading unsnipped comments is enough to remind me
that my killfiles are warranted -- and I don't have many) and am
generally quite content.