Petey the Wonder Dog wrote:
> Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
>>Did she do something wrong, is that the way the
>>stuff is supposed to taste?
> No one likes broccoli rabe. It tastes like lawn clippings.
> It can't be improved, only masked.
> A few years ago it was "in" so people ate it, or at least ordered it in
> restaurants, then hid it under a napkin.
> Anyone who says they like it is lying.
Lying??? You're projecting, Petey.
Many of us who grew up in immigrant households were
exposed early on to bitter greens, and rabe is no
shock to our tastebuds.
FWIW, a century ago regular broccoli was considered
exotic and foreign. You won't find it in many general
cookbooks as late as the 1950's.
gloria p