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  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 21:34:35 -0800, "Sam D."
> wrote:

> until it was explained WHY doing so makes it
> unreasonably awkward and more difficult for others to follow the
> discussion, especially if there are one or more other posters that
> successively respond to your comment and to those that follow.

This is Usenet, not a list serve. We don't need or want
everybody's contribution in a single post.

> This is
> just a matter of etiquette and consideration for everyone else.

It's a matter of laziness! Bottom posting complainers are
too lazy or too egotistical to snip judiciously.

> And
> maybe I missed something but I have no idea what you mean by
> "downloading anything to move the cursor."

According to some bottom posting whiners - way back in the
dark ages of Usenet, the cursor defaulted to the bottom.
The way to do it these days is via a software program.
